As most of you may already know, Chuseok (추석) is just around the corner. To celebrate this wonderful Korean holiday we will be getting together for a potluck dinner on the 29th of September 2012 at Dominic and Youngson's home in Songdo. You can arrive from 3pm onwards.
The festivities continue with our Fall BBQ party which is set for Sunday the 7th of October 2012 in Myeongji. We will have our regular worship service at 12:30pm in Hadan, afterwards, will leave for Myeongi where will enjoy a meal together and play some games.
Finally, at the end of October we can look forward to the International Sports day. This event takes place on the 28th of October 2012 at the main Hosanna Church in Myeongi. All the international ministries affiliated with Hosanna Church will participate and it's also an opportunity to fellowship with our friends from the other foreign ministries.
We look forward to seeing you at these events. Please visit our Facebook page for more details and directions about each event.